Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lists are nice. :)

So I was looking through Gala Darling's older posts. I have been for the past 3 days. And I love her style tips and her daily outfits. I was thinking, why cant I be stylish like her? Why cant I be that awesome?

Well Ive decided, I can. I just have to put what others think behind me and only care about what I want. So I made a list of things I want to do in the near future.

Things to do! (So far. ;D)
-Lose weight
-Wear only dresses
-Buy looooots of jewelry from different
Places suggested by Gala
-Dedicate one of my walls to pictures
-Paint my room dark blue
-Go out to brunch with friends
-Dress up really fancy and go to an extravagant party
-Start a journal that I write in every day
-Get a fancy camera
-Take pictures with it EVERY day
-Make a sandcastle with someone I love
-Travel somewhere outside of the US
-Decorate a room completely from scratch
-Make outrageous foods
-Play volleyball/football on a beach with
Others around. Invite strangers to join

Time to get my butt in gear. :)

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